An acute, rapid burst of fear, worry, or anxiety is known as a panic attack. These attacks are overwhelming and exhibit both emotional and physical symptoms. When the "flight or fight" response is activated despite the absence of imminent danger, this can result in a panic attack. In seemingly stress-free situations, a person may experience the symptoms of a panic attack such as chest pain, feeling disconnected from reality, and having a heart attack or stroke. They may also experience difficulty in breathing, profuse sweating, trembling, or heart pounding. The symptoms of a panic attack are not dangerous but can be very frightening. What is panic disorder? Panic attacks are often a symptom of panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder that can cause significant distress and interfere with daily activities. These attacks can be frequent or rare. In some cases, they occur several times a day or a few times a year. They often begin in the late teens or early adulthood. Panic
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